La nuova era cinematografica è il 3D!!!....e allora perchè questo dovrebbe mancare nel mondo della moda?!!!
Infatti ecco qua le proposte d'impatto del FW 12/13 di COMME des GARÇONS, Hellen van Rees, ThreeASFOUR e Thom Browne.
Per COMME des GARÇONS, (quel Genio di) Rei Kawakubo ha fatto sfilare le sue bambole manga nello scenario parigino, che avanzavano fiere nelle loro parrucche gommose dai colori fluo. Gli abiti dalla silhouette indefinibile, si presentano privi di qualsiasi rilievo nella veduta frontale, ma di lato danno pieno sfogo alla creatività della Kawakubo, con un gioco di tridimensionalità dai colori pastello sino alle tonalità più forti del rosso e del blu, in contrasto con stampe animalier e maxi flower.
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La giovane designer Hellen van Rees, fresca fresca di laurea alla Central Saint Martin School, ha realizzato dei veri e propri capolavori, abiti che sembrano decomporsi geometricamente ad ogni passo, sporgenze e rilievi così esagerati e impensabili su dei comuni daydress rendono la sua collezione grandiosa; penso che riuscire ad ottenere un risultato così "armonioso", nelle sue silhouette senza una linea definita, sia una vera e propria impresa, nella quale Hellen van Ree è riuscita in pieno. Eh brava la Rees!!!
Il brand di New York ThreeASFOUR ha stupito tutti per le sue creazioni, mi ricordano tanto gli interni degli orologi, nonché gli ingranaggi e le varie parti che lo compongono, rotelle, molle, inserti metallici ecc..tutto questo reso possibile dalla costruzione in 3D dei capi, come un vortice che incornicia il corpo o che lo avvolge, i tessuti, i materiali utilizzati e la sapiente lavorazione hanno permesso alla collezione di avere successo in passerella ed essere fonte d'ispirazione per gli altri designer.
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Per lo stilista Thom Browne, i draghi hanno lasciato lo zampino, l'outfit (in alto a destra) sembra un vero e proprio calco delle parti più sporgenti e visibili del corpo, spalle, seno, anche e per finire ginocchia, un modo di dire per finire visto che c'è un bello strascico (o coda) a completare l'opera tridimensionale del designer americano.
Un completo casto reso "sfizioso" da questi particolari inserti, insomma sarebbe un vero peccato non godersi tutta la sua sfilata.
Enjoy. Teresa ♥
The new 3D generation has has surpassed in the fashion world when luxury fashion houses such as Comme Des Garcons, Hellen van Rees, ThreeASFOUR and Thom Brown all suggested to take their Fall/Winter 12/13 fashion show into a whole new dimension.
For Comme Des Garcon, Rei Kawakubo took Manga Dolls into life in Paris with florescent rubbery wigs and bright prints. The silhouette from the front is simple yet undefinable. Kawakubo's colors vary from light pastel shades to stronger tones such as red and blue, along with contradicting prints of animal skin and maxi flower.
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The young designer Hellen van Rees, a fresh graduate from Central Saint Martin School, has created amazing masterpieces, clothes that seem to dissolve geometrically with each step. her designs are not your typical daydress and what makes her so distinct is her ability to create a harmonious silhouette without a defined line. Job well done Rees!
New York's brand ThreeASFOUR astonished everyone with its creations. it reminds me of the internal mechanism of the clock. all this made possible from the construction of the garment that appears to us as in 3D. The spiral framing the body and all the other materials used allow the collection to masterly succeed on the catwalk and become a source of inspiration for other designers.
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Designer Thom Browne, casted the silhouette in the most prominent and visible body-shape, elaborating the shoulders, breasts, hips and knees. After all we can see clear trails of three dimentionality in the works of this American Designer. All clothes come alive with such particular details, in short, it would be a shame to miss his fashion shows.
The new 3D generation has has surpassed in the fashion world when luxury fashion houses such as Comme Des Garcons, Hellen van Rees, ThreeASFOUR and Thom Brown all suggested to take their Fall/Winter 12/13 fashion show into a whole new dimension.
For Comme Des Garcon, Rei Kawakubo took Manga Dolls into life in Paris with florescent rubbery wigs and bright prints. The silhouette from the front is simple yet undefinable. Kawakubo's colors vary from light pastel shades to stronger tones such as red and blue, along with contradicting prints of animal skin and maxi flower.
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The young designer Hellen van Rees, a fresh graduate from Central Saint Martin School, has created amazing masterpieces, clothes that seem to dissolve geometrically with each step. her designs are not your typical daydress and what makes her so distinct is her ability to create a harmonious silhouette without a defined line. Job well done Rees!
New York's brand ThreeASFOUR astonished everyone with its creations. it reminds me of the internal mechanism of the clock. all this made possible from the construction of the garment that appears to us as in 3D. The spiral framing the body and all the other materials used allow the collection to masterly succeed on the catwalk and become a source of inspiration for other designers.
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Designer Thom Browne, casted the silhouette in the most prominent and visible body-shape, elaborating the shoulders, breasts, hips and knees. After all we can see clear trails of three dimentionality in the works of this American Designer. All clothes come alive with such particular details, in short, it would be a shame to miss his fashion shows.
love this blog! one of the bests! so complete
RispondiEliminaKisses from Buenos Aires.
Wow!!This is so cool!!
wow these are incredible - amazing construction skills and creativity to pull these together :)
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